2,689 research outputs found

    Geometry Optimization for Miniaturized Thermoelectric Generators

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    Thermoelectric materials capable of converting heat into electrical energy are used in sustainable electric generators, whose efficiency has been normally increased with incorporation of new materials with high figure of merit (ZT) values. Because the performance of these thermoelectric generators (TEGs) also depends on device geometry, in this study we employ the finite element method to determine optimized geometries for highly efficient miniaturized TEGs. We investigated devices with similar fill factors but with different thermoelectric leg geometries (filled and hollow). Our results show that devices with legs of hollow geometry are more efficient than those with filled geometry for the same length and cross-sectional area of thermoelectric legs. This behavior was observed for thermoelectric leg lengths smaller than 0.1 mm, where the leg shape causes a significant difference in temperature distribution along the device. It was found that for reaching highly efficient miniaturized TEGs, one has to consider the leg geometry in addition to the thermal conductivity

    Sensibilidade do índice PMV e regiões de conforto visando ao aperfeiçoamento de climatizadores

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    The HVAC control systems based on thermal comfort indices, in contrast with approaches that consider only temperature and humidity, provide advantages such as the improvement of the thermal quality of the built environment. Among several thermal comfort indices, the Fanger’s model (PMV) is of paramount importance. However, the attainment of this index in real equipment is considerably difficult, due to the difficulty of measuring the mean radiant temperature, and determining individual parameters such as the human metabolic rate and the thermal resistance of human clothing. Due to those difficulties, adjustments and adaptations must be carried out and, consequently, there are errors related to these three parameters. This article proposes a sensitivity analysis of PMV, based on those three variables, through simulation. For each analysis, the behaviour of the model is analysed for different values of temperature, air velocity and relative humidity, and also for different values of the analyzed parameter. It is also important to obtain the relative importance of each parameter of Fanger’s model, independently of units and analyzed values. Based on the Monte Carlo statistical method, a sensitivity analysis has been conducted, not only for the three cited variables, but also for all six Fanger’s model parameters. As a result, a sensitivity vector is presented, whose values are dimensionless and independent of the variables and parameters, considering all possible combinations. Moreover, new comfort regions are presented, considering also individual factors.Os sistemas de controle de equipamentos de climatização, com base em índices de conforto térmico, em contraste com abordagens que consideram apenas temperatura e umidade, proporcionam vantagens como melhoria da qualidade térmica dos ambientes. Entre os índices para conforto térmico, a abordagem de Fanger (PMV) tem grande destaque. Porém, a obtenção desse índice em equipamentos reais é bastante problemática, em função da dificuldade de sensoriamento da temperatura radiante média e de determinação de fatores individuais, tais como a taxa de metabolismo humano e a resistência térmica das vestimentas dos ocupantes. Diante dessas dificuldades, ajustes e adaptações devem ser realizados e, conseqüentemente, existem erros devido a esses três parâmetros. Este trabalho propõe uma análise de sensibilidade do PMV com relação às três variáveis citadas, através de simulações. Para cada análise, é investigado o comportamento do índice para diferentes valores de temperatura, velocidade e umidade relativa do ar, e também para diferentes valores do parâmetro em questão. Também é importante a obtenção de uma informação referente ao peso que cada um desses parâmetros possui no modelo, independentemente de unidades e valores analisados. Neste sentido, foi realizada uma análise de sensibilidade baseada no método estatístico de Monte Carlo, não somente dessas três variáveis, mas também dos seis parâmetros do modelo. Como resultado, obtém-se um vetor de sensibilidade cujos valores são adimensionais e independentes de faixas de operação da variável analisada e dos demais parâmetros, obtidos considerando-se todas as possíveis combinações. Analisa-se também a elaboração de regiões de conforto adaptadas, para que estas sejam determinadas considerando-se fatores individuais

    Identificação e controle de processos via desenvolvimentos em séries ortonormais. Parte B: controle preditivo

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    This paper presents an overview about predictive control schemes based on orthonormal basis function models. Different predictive control schemes based on such models are discussed, namely, linear controllers with terminal (stabilizing) constraints, robust controllers, and non-linear controllers. The discussions comprise a broad bibliographical survey on the subject as well as two case studies involving a simulated dynamic system and a real process.O presente artigo aborda o problema da seleção da estrutura de modelos em algoritmos de controle preditivo para sistemas monovariáveis. Neste sentido, apresenta a utilização de modelos com estrutura dinâmica desenvolvida através de bases de funções ortonormais, como as funções de Laguerre, Kautz ou funções ortonormais generalizadas. Os principais aspectos relacionados com esta classe de modelos no contexto de controladores preditivos lineares com restrições terminais, não lineares e robusto são discutidos e uma revisão bibliográfica é apresentada. O desempenho de malha fechada das estratégias analisadas é ilustrado através de dois casos de estudo envolvendo uma incubadora para recém nascidos e um processo simulado de polimerização isotérmica.322336Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq

    Identificação e controle de processos via desenvolvimentos em séries ortonormais. Parte A: identificação

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    In this paper, an overview about the identification of dynamic systems using orthonormal basis function models, such as those based on Laguerre and Kautz functions, is presented. The mathematical foundations of these models as well as their advantages and limitations are discussed within the contexts of linear, robust, and nonlinear identification. The discussions comprise a broad bibliographical survey on the subject and a comparative analysis involving some specific model realizations, namely, linear, Volterra, fuzzy, and neural models within the orthonormal basis function framework. Theoretical and practical issues regarding the identification of these models are also presented and illustrated by means of two case studies related to a polymerization process.O presente artigo apresenta uma visão geral do estado da arte na área de identificação de sistemas utilizando modelos dinâmicos com estrutura desenvolvida através de bases de funções ortonormais, como as funções de Laguerre, Kautz ou funções ortonormais generalizadas. Discute-se as vantagens e possíveis limitações desse tipo de estrutura bem como os fundamentos matemáticos dos modelos correspondentes nos contextos de identificação linear, linear com incertezas paramétricas (identificação robusta) e não linear, incluindo uma revisão bibliográfica abrangente sobre o tema. Diferentes realizações de modelos com funções de base ortonormal, a saber, modelos lineares, de Volterra, fuzzy e neurais, são detalhadas e discutidas comparativamente em termos de capacidade de representação, parcimônia, complexidade de projeto e interpretabilidade. Aspectos práticos da identificação desses modelos são também apresentados e ilustrados através de dois casos de estudo envolvendo um processo simulado de polimerização isotérmica.301321Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq

    Quantitative Proteomic Analysis Reveals Changes in the Benchmark Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis Biovar Equi Exoproteome after Passage in a Murine Host

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    Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis biovar equi is the etiologic agent of ulcerative lymphangitis. To investigate proteins that could be related to the virulence of this pathogen, we combined an experimental passage process using a murine model and high-throughput proteomics with a mass spectrometry, data-independent acquisition (LC-MSE) approach to identify and quantify the proteins released into the supernatants of strain 258_equi. To our knowledge, this approach allowed characterization of the exoproteome of a C. pseudotuberculosis equi strain for the first time. Interestingly, the recovery of this strain from infected mouse spleens induced a change in its virulence potential, and it became more virulent in a second infection challenge. Proteomic screening performed from culture supernatant of the control and recovered conditions revealed 104 proteins that were differentially expressed between the two conditions. In this context, proteomic analysis of the recovered condition detected the induction of proteins involved in bacterial pathogenesis, mainly related to iron uptake. In addition, KEGG enrichment analysis showed that ABC transporters, bacterial secretion systems and protein export pathways were significantly altered in the recovered condition. These findings show that secretion and secreted proteins are key elements in the virulence and adaptation of C. pseudotuberculosis. Collectively, bacterial pathogenesis-related proteins were identified that contribute to the processes of adherence, intracellular growth and evasion of the immune system. Moreover, this study enhances our understanding of the factors that may influence the pathogenesis of C. pseudotuberculosis.Fil: Marques Da Silva, Wanderson. Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. Instituto de Ciências Biológicas; Brasil. Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique; Francia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Carvalho, Rodrigo D. De Oliveira. Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. Instituto de Ciências Biológicas; BrasilFil: Dorella, Fernanda A.. Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais; BrasilFil: Folador, Edson L.. Universidade Federal da Paraíba. Centro de Biotecnologia; BrasilFil: Souza, Gustavo H. M. F.. Waters Corporation; BrasilFil: Pimenta, Adriano M. C.. Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. Instituto de Ciências Biológicas; BrasilFil: Figueiredo, Henrique C. P.. Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais; BrasilFil: Le Loir, Yves. Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique; FranciaFil: Silva, Artur. Universidade Federal do Pará; BrasilFil: Azevedo, Vasco. Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. Instituto de Ciências Biológicas; Brasi

    Robust Expansion of Uncertain Volterra Kernels into Orthonormal Series

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    Abstract-This paper is concerned with the computation of uncertainty bounds for the expansion of uncertain Volterra models into an orthonormal basis of functions, such as the Laguerre or Kautz bases. This problem has already been addressed in the context of linear systems by means of an approach in which the uncertainty bounds of the expansion coefficients have been estimated from a structured set of impulse responses describing a linear uncertain process. This approach is extended here towards nonlinear Volterra models through the computation of the uncertainty bounds of the expansion coefficients from a structured set of uncertain Volterra kernels. The proposed formulation assures that the resulting model is able to represent all the original uncertainties with minimum intervals for the expansion coefficients. An example is presented to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed formulation

    Phylogenetic and functional diversity of metagenomic libraries of phenol degrading sludge from petroleum refinery wastewater treatment system

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    In petrochemical refinery wastewater treatment plants (WWTP), different concentrations of pollutant compounds are received daily in the influent stream, including significant amounts of phenolic compounds, creating propitious conditions for the development of particular microorganisms that can rapidly adapt to such environment. In the present work, the microbial sludge from a refinery WWTP was enriched for phenol, cloned into fosmid vectors and pyrosequenced. The fosmid libraries yielded 13,200 clones and a comprehensive bioinformatic analysis of the sequence data set revealed a complex and diverse bacterial community in the phenol degrading sludge. The phylogenetic analyses using MEGAN in combination with RDP classifier showed a massive predominance of Proteobacteria, represented mostly by the genera Diaphorobacter, Pseudomonas, Thauera and Comamonas. The functional classification of phenol degrading sludge sequence data set generated by MG-RAST showed the wide metabolic diversity of the microbial sludge, with a high percentage of genes involved in the aerobic and anaerobic degradation of phenol and derivatives. In addition, genes related to the metabolism of many other organic and xenobiotic compounds, such as toluene, biphenyl, naphthalene and benzoate, were found. Results gathered herein demonstrated that the phenol degrading sludge has complex phylogenetic and functional diversities, showing the potential of such community to degrade several pollutant compounds. This microbiota is likely to represent a rich resource of versatile and unknown enzymes which may be exploited for biotechnological processes such as bioremediation

    Didactic Sequence for Teaching Exponential Function

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    This paper presents a methodological proposal for the teaching of exponential function, resulting from the application of a didactic sequence involving exponential function, where evidence of learning and the consolidation and application of mathematical concepts in problem solving were identified and analyzed. The Didactic Engineering of Michèle Artigue (1988) was used as a research methodology. As theoretical contributions that guided and enabled the development of the research, we chose the use of Mathematical Investigation in the classroom; Didactic Sequence in the conception of Zabala (1999); the Articulated Units of Conceptual Reconstruction proposed by Cabral (2017) and assumptions of Vygotsky\u27s theory. A didactic sequence composed of five UARC\u27s was elaborated to work the exponential function, with a view to minimizing the difficulties naturally imposed by the content to be explained. Microgenetic analysis of verbal interactions between teacher and students was used to analyze the results of the application. The results show that the students participating in the experiment showed evidence of learning, recorded during the process, and began to have a good understanding of the concepts and properties related to the topic, in addition to a good performance in carrying out the activities, facts that corroborate the potential of the didactic sequence proposed herein

    Expressed sequence tag analysis of the human pathogen Paracoccidioides brasiliensis yeast phase: Identification of putative homologues of Candida albicans virulence and pathogenicity genes

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    Paracoccidioides brasiliensis, a thermodimorphic fungus, is the causative agent of the prevalent systemic mycosis in Latin America, paracoccidioidomycosis. We present here a survey of expressed genes in the yeast pathogenic phase of P. brasiliensis. We obtained 13,490 expressed sequence tags from both 5' and 3' ends. Clustering analysis yielded the partial sequences of 4,692 expressed genes that were functionally classified by similarity to known genes. We have identified several Candida albicans virulence and pathogenicity homologues in P. brasiliensis. Furthermore, we have analyzed the expression of some of these genes during the dimorphic yeast-mycelium-yeast transition by real-time quantitative reverse transcription-PCR. Clustering analysis of the mycelium-yeast transition revealed three groups: (i) RBT, hydrophobin, and isocitrate lyase; (ii) malate dehydrogenase, contigs Pb1067 and Pb1145, GPI, and alternative oxidase; and (iii) ubiquitin, delta-9-desaturase, HSP70, HSP82, and HSP104. the first two groups displayed high mRNA expression in the mycelial phase, whereas the third group showed higher mRNA expression in the yeast phase. Our results suggest the possible conservation of pathogenicity and virulence mechanisms among fungi, expand considerably gene identification in P. brasiliensis, and provide a broader basis for further progress in understanding its biological peculiarities.Univ São Paulo, Dept Ciencias Farmaceut, Fac Ciencias Farmaceut Ribeirao Preto, BR-14040903 Ribeirao Preto, SP, BrazilUniv São Paulo, Fac Filosofia Ciencias & Letras Ribeirao Pret, BR-14040903 Ribeirao Preto, SP, BrazilInst Pasteur, Unite Genet Mol Levures, Paris, FranceUniv Vale do Paraiba, UNIVAP, Vale Do Paraiba, BrazilUniv Mogi das Cruzes, Nucleo Integrado Biotecnol, Mogi Das Cruzes, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Microbiol Imunol & Parasitol, São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Microbiol Imunol & Parasitol, São Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc
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